Friday, May 18, 2007

Time With Mr. Rooney

All of us feel overwhelmed during any given day or week with a multitude of tasks and events that call for our attention. Sometimes these can be negative and, if we're lucky, they can be positive also.

I had come home from a very hectic day which became a very hectic week feeling overwhelmed with alot of positive events that were taking place. The sum total of these kept my head swimming with a huge task list and thoughts of direction about my future. I changed clothes and retreated to my bed where I needed to lie down to think and do absolutely nothing for a while. A cool breeze blew in from the open window and Mr. Rooney, my 15" beagle, jumped on the bed and sat beside me. As I began to give him attention, I decided that I was only going to concentrate on being with him and let the rest of the day and week take care of itself at the appropriate time.

I spent time with Mr. Rooney realizing that even when things get rough we can retreat to a special place with our family, friends or pets and close out the multitude of task and responsibilities that loom upon us. We are all blessed with people, health or job that we can focus on to take away the negative and concentrate on the positive if only for a few moments.

My time with Mr. Rooney provided me with an opportunity to savor the moment and put into perspective what was ahead of me. I came away with a fresh perspective of not trying to design my future in a period of few hours but to remain quiet and agreeable so that the future takes care of itself.


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